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The Importance of Automated Reference Checking in the Post-Covid-19 Era

“Adaptibility is the simple secret of survival.” – Jessica Hagedorn, American Playwright

It stands as a hard fact that Covid-19 and the pandemic that followed changed the course of workplace culture. It altered the way people work. Almost all industries across the world were affected by this viral outbreak. However, the recruitment industry and the reference checking process were some of the hardest hit. It was also one of the industries that saw the greatest changes. Now, it can never be said for certain that remote working, lockdowns and hybrid work models will hold a permanent position in the workplace far into the future.

What we can say for certain is that there seems to be a shift in the approach to workplace models and subsequently, the recruitment methodologies as well. In this blog, we will talk about some of these changes in the world of recruitment, the challenges therein and the importance that automated reference checking carries.

One of the biggest and immediate changes that we can see on the surface is that more and more people are moving towards having more flexible hours and even remote work. This shift is backed by the proof-of-concept that the lockdown pushed on us. People got a taste of the convenience and now they want it as a semi-permanent, if not a permanent mode of work.

On the other end of the spectrum, recruitment also saw some significant changes. Namely, the digitalization of recruitment. Let’s be honest, with the lockdown came many communication barriers. The only way around it was to go digital. With reference checking also going digital, video interviews became the norm. The location was no longer a cause for concern in terms of limiting the talent pool, and the demand for employment in certain sectors was in flux.

To validate these changes let’s have a look at the data from Mckinsey and Company’s global survey of 800 senior executives in July of 2020. The survey revealed that around two-thirds of senior executives were stepping up their investment in automation and AI. They were doing this to reduce workplace density following the Covid-19 protocols and to cope with surges in demand as well.

Reference checking

During the peak of the pandemic, recruiters did not have access to traditional ways of doing their job.

What are the Challenges of Reference Checking

During the peak of the pandemic, the biggest challenge that presented itself to the recruitment process was that recruiters did not have access to traditional ways to do their job. What we mean by that is, that while email and phone calls were still an option, more and more businesses were moving away from this and towards automation. As the saying goes: If you can’t beat them, join them. Join them they did!

Recruiters turned to automated reference checking as a solution. This was a great boon to the industry as it streamlined the process of communication between the applicant, referee and the company. Additionally, resources were freed up and brought a whole new level of quality control to the whole process. Amongst all the changes that we saw in the pandemic, the rise of automated reference checking is by far one of the most positive ones. Again, it may not be permanent, but it is here to stay for a while.

"The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings."

- Okakura Kakuzō, Japanese Art Critic

The Importance of Automated Reference Checking in the Post Covid-Era

In the post-Covid-19 world, the demand across companies, industries, employers and employees alike has shifted. From more flexible hours, to reassessing the very nature of the work model, there is a significant paradigm shift. On top of all this, you have the recruitment industry trying to give clients applicant quality assurance.

Think about it, so many candidates would have taken a break from working, leaving a gap to be addressed, or there is the whole work-from-home aspect that needs to be addressed. All this makes the vetting process that much more difficult as there would be a significant gap between the current potential employer and the previous one due to the pandemic. Ex-employers either won’t have time or just won’t want to, given the amount of time that has passed by.

The difficulties and challenges in vetting candidates make a quality reference checking process that much more essential. This is especially true for automated reference checking platforms that can deliver results that the traditional methods just aren’t up for.

With automated reference checking technology you have greater control over the process.

Reference Checking Technology

Benefits of Automation Reference Checking

There are several benefits of using a top-end automated reference checking tool. For one, you get a greater deal of control over the process and you save a ton of time. It is also a great way to overcome any communication barriers while simultaneously freeing up resources to tackle other important aspects of the recruitment process. The other advantage is that these benefits will boost your overall volume of response, thereby driving both quality and quantity of hires in the long run.

What Can Credibled Do for You?

With the above point in mind, we would like to bring your attention to Credibled and why you should be using our platform for all your automated reference checking needs. Before we can get into what makes Credibled so special, we need to look at why it was created in the first place. Our platform was an undertaking by highly-experienced recruitment industry leaders who have used traditional recruitment means and found something was lacking.

With that in mind, they wanted to create something better, cost-effective and streamlined. Enter, Credibled! Thanks to factors like our powerful API, you will reap the benefits of an unmatched verification process. You can build your recruitment process on our platform with ease and accuracy, which will result in your process benefiting from industry-leading turnaround times.

What’s more? The platform and all its features are built around industry-specific solutions. It is tailored to address the needs of modern companies. At the end of the day, it will help you make more informed hiring decisions and thrive in this post-Covid-19 era.